Leveraging Salesforce for Improved Operations in a Mining and Construction Service Provider​Mining and Construction

The client is a leading provider of equipment rental, maintenance, and construction services for the mining and construction industries.

With a diverse portfolio of clients and projects, They faced challenges in managing equipment maintenance schedules, tracking project progress, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.


  • Manual Processes They struggle with outdated manual processes, hindering efficiency in equipment maintenance, project management, and safety compliance.​
  • Disparate data Systems Disparate systems and spreadsheets make it challenging to track equipment status and schedule maintenance tasks efficiently, leading to potential downtime and operational disruptions.​
  • Delay in Project delivery Lack of a centralized system makes it difficult to ensure timely project completion, resulting in coordination issues and potential delays in project delivery.​


  • Equipment Maintenance Management V2Force implemented a custom Equipment Maintenance Management system within Salesforce to track equipment maintenance schedules, monitor asset performance, and schedule preventive maintenance tasks.​
  • Project Management Salesforce was customized to serve as a centralized platform for project management to track project progress, allocate resources, and manage timelines effectively. ​
  • Safety Compliance V2Force integrated safety compliance features ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Customized safety checklists, incident reporting forms, and training modules were built, enabling the client to track safety compliance across all job sites. ​
  • Tech Stack: Sales cloud and Marketing cloud​


  • Streamlined Operations Implementation of Salesforce led to a 80% reduction in manual processes, enhancing operational efficiency.​
  • Enhanced Project Management Salesforce provided real-time visibility into project progress and resource allocation, leading to a 25% improvement in decision-making and 20% reduction in project timelines.​
  • Improved Safety Performance Salesforce’s safety compliance features contributed to a 30% reduction in safety incidents, incident reporting and training modules facilitated proactive safety measures, resulting in a 70% decrease in regulatory penalties​.
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A Construction company

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