Seamless Transition from Print to Digital Services: Harnessing Salesforce Expertise for a Smooth EvolutionMedia

Our client, a renowned media leader with decades of experience in print journalism, faced the challenge of declining readership and revenue in the wake of digitalization.

 Recognizing the shift in consumer preferences towards visual content, they embarked on a strategic transition to expand their offerings to include video production, live streaming, and multimedia storytelling.


  • Cultural Shift Embracing visual media necessitates a significant cultural shift within the organization, moving away from a print-centric mindset.​
  • Technological Integration Implementing new tools for video production poses technical challenges, requiring careful consideration of software, hardware, and training needs.​
  • Market Competition Competing in the saturated visual media industry demands a differentiated approach to stand out among established players.​


  • End-to-end Salesforce Services Our team presented the client with a comprehensive plan for their Salesforce transformational journey and implemented and integrated it end-to-end.​
  • Sales Cloud Implementation with CPQ configuration Sales cloud was implemented seamlessly to accelerate and streamline the processes, coupled with CPQ for better revenue management.​
  • Marketing Cloud Implementation Leveraging the features of marketing cloud we designed the targeted digital campaigns to promote new visual services and engage with clients effectively.​
  • Service Cloud Deployment Interweaving the concept of deeper customer involvement required for digital content, we applied Service cloud to manage customer inquiries and feedback and deliver superior support experiences.​
  • Analytics and Reporting The Salesforce implementation helped gain actionable insights into customer preferences and market trends to optimize visual content strategy.​
  • Tech Stack: Sales cloud, Marketing cloud, Service cloud, CPQ


  • Increased Revenue Streams Diversification into visual services led to a significant increase in revenue generation streams, enhancing it by 20%, mitigating the impact of declining print revenue.​
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement The marketing and service cloud implementation improved the customer engagement significantly and enhanced the customer satisfaction 2X times through personalized interactions and timely support.​
  • Faster go to market The Optimized workflows and processes with Sales cloud resulted in improved operational efficiency, better decision-making capabilities and decresead the time-to-market for visual content by 25%.​
  • Competitive Advantage Leveraging Salesforce’s capabilities enabled the client to differentiate its offerings and compete effectively in the visual media landscape.​
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V2Force accompanied us like an extended team through our journey towards Automation without any friction.

Vice President
A well-known print and visual content creation firm

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