Driving Revenue Growth and Customer Satisfaction with Salesforce Integration​Church, biblical assets​

A leader in digital content and tools for the Christian church, the client has been leveraging technology to equip the Church to grow for over 25 years.

They wanted to improve their payment process that would lead to increased upsell & cross-sell opportunities.


  • Platform Fragmentation Managing customer data, engagement, and payments across multiple platforms led to inefficiencies and complexities making it challenging to maintain a cohesive view of customer interactions.​​
  • Migration Challenges The client aimed for a seamless migration to streamline processes and enhance team productivity. However, complexities such as data mapping, integration, and user adoption needed careful consideration to ensure a successful transition without disruptions.​​
  • Slow Customer Service Slow turnaround times in customer service operations led to dissatisfaction among customers. Delays in responding to inquiries, resolving issues, and processing requests contributed to a decline in customer satisfaction levels​​
  • Underutilized Engagement Data The lack of optimized data utilization limited their ability to identify cross-selling opportunities, personalize customer experiences, and drive revenue growth. Addressing this challenge required implementing robust analytics and insights strategies to unlock the full potential of customer engagement data.​


  • Migration to Salesforce Assisted the team in migrating from multiple payment processing tools to Salesforce, ensuring a centralized platform for seamless payment management and enhanced data integrity.
  • Optimizing Sales Processes Deployed Sales Cloud to streamline sales operations across various business units, enabling better visibility, collaboration, and tracking of sales activities. Integrated Salesforce with NetSuite, Business Deck, and other internal systems for unified data management and improved decision-making.
  • Email-to-Case Implementation Implemented email-to-case functionality in Service Cloud to facilitate timely resolution of customer support queries, improving responsiveness and customer satisfaction levels. Integrated multilingual service capabilities via language.io and developed a chat function for efficient query resolution
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Integration Integrated Salesforce Marketing Cloud with journeys and personalized marketing campaigns, leveraging engagement touchpoints across email, SMS, and web applications in both Sales and Service departments. This enhanced customer engagement and drove targeted marketing efforts for improved conversion rates.
  • Techstack: Sales cloud , Marketing cloud and Service cloud


  • Faster Payment Processing Improved processing speed led to a 25% reduction in payment processing time.​​
  • Improved Customer Service Quick turnaround time (TAT) resulted in a 30% increase in customer satisfaction and retention rates.​​
  • Increased Cross-Sell and Upsell Opportunities Enhanced customer visibility contributed to a 25% increase in cross-sell and upsell revenue.​​
  • Revenue Growth Detailed touchpoint insights and scoring details led to a 10% increase in revenue from marketing channels.​​
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The collaboration with V2Force was one of the best decisions for us.

Church services

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